In accordance with the yearly tradition, the seminary community traveled to the FSSP apostolate of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Denver, Colorado, for a weekend this September. During this trip, the Seminarians are hosted by the generous parishioners of the parish and enjoy activities such as a hike in the mountains, and the annual parish picnic. It is a good opportunity for the seminarians to take a short break from their studies and to spend time with not only their fellow seminarians but also the parishioners of a Fraternity apostolate. The Seminary schola and polyphonic choir also sang at the parish for a Sung Mass on the Feast of St. Matthew. They joined the parish choir to chant for a Solemn High Mass on the 15th Sunday after Pentecost. 

The seminarians and priests are very grateful to the the pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Fr. Jackson, FSSP, and to all of the parishioners for their generosity in hosting the seminary again this year.